Unlocking Your BJJ Potential – The Best Steel Club Exercises for Enhancing Your Game

Unlocking Your BJJ Potential – The Best Steel Club Exercises for Enhancing Your Game

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) demands strength, flexibility, and agility, making it essential for practitioners to supplement their mat time with targeted workouts. While traditional exercises like weightlifting and bodyweight movements are common, incorporating steel club exercises into your routine can take your BJJ game to the next level. Steel clubs, also known as Indian clubs, offer unique benefits that directly translate to improved performance on the mats. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best steel club exercises specifically tailored to enhance your BJJ skills.

  1. Steel Club Swings:
  • Start with a light steel club to master the technique.
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding the club in one hand with an overhand grip.
  • Swing the club from between your legs up to shoulder height, keeping your arm extended.
  • Engage your core and use your hips to generate power, mimicking the hip movement in BJJ techniques like hip escapes and sweeps.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10-15 swings on each side to build strength and mobility in your hips and shoulders.
  1. Steel Club Mills:
  • Begin with a lighter weight until you perfect the movement.
  • Hold the club in both hands with an overhand grip, arms extended overhead.
  • Keeping your core tight and maintaining a straight posture, rotate the club behind your head and down towards your opposite hip.
  • Reverse the movement and bring the club back to the starting position.
  • Mills improve rotational strength, essential for executing techniques like arm bars and omoplatas. Aim for 3 sets of 8-10 reps on each side.

Learn more about steel club mills here: https://www.dangerouslyfit.com/steel-clubs/

  1. Steel Club Shoulder Casts:
  • Grip the club with one hand at shoulder height, elbow slightly bent.
  • Initiate the movement by rotating your shoulder, casting the club up and over your shoulder and behind your back.
  • Catch the club with your other hand and reverse the movement.
  • Shoulder casts enhance shoulder mobility and stability, crucial for defending against joint locks and maintaining posture in various positions. Perform 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps on each side.
  1. Steel Club Figure 8s:
  • Hold the club in both hands with an overhand grip, arms extended in front of you.
  • Create a figure 8 motion by passing the club from one hand to the other around your body.
  • Keep your core engaged and maintain control throughout the movement.
  • Figure 8s improve coordination and grip strength, aiding in controlling your opponent and executing submissions. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  1. Steel Club Get-Ups:
  • Lie on your back with the club held vertically in one hand, arm extended towards the ceiling.
  • Use your free hand to support yourself as you sit up, keeping your eyes on the club.
  • Plant your free hand on the ground and lift your hips, sliding your legs underneath you into a kneeling position.
  • Stand up while maintaining the club overhead, then reverse the movement to return to the starting position.
  • Get-ups develop full-body strength and stability, mimicking the transitions and movements required during live rolling sessions. Perform 2-3 sets of 5-6 reps on each side.

Incorporating these Dangerously Fit steel club exercises into your BJJ training regimen will not only improve your physical attributes but also enhance your overall performance on the mats. Remember to start with lighter clubs to master the techniques before progressing to heavier weights. Consistency is key, so aim to incorporate these exercises into your routine 2-3 times per week for optimal results. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll soon experience the benefits of steel club training in your BJJ journey.

Rediscovering the Art of Indian Clubs: A Timeless Fitness Tradition

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

Step into the realm of Indian clubs, where ancient wisdom intertwines with modern fitness. For centuries, these wooden or metal tools have been utilized in India and beyond as a means to enhance physical fitness and promote overall well-being. With their graceful, flowing movements, Indian clubs offer a captivating and effective way to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination.
In this article, we delve deep into the world of Indian clubs, uncovering their rich history, exploring their remarkable benefits, and providing insights into the techniques used to wield them with finesse. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast seeking a new challenge or someone interested in exploring the roots of physical culture, the Indian clubs have something exceptional to offer.

Source: Dangerously Fit Steel Maces

The Fascinating History of Indian Clubs
1. Ancient Origins and Cultural Significance
◦ Tracing back to ancient Persia and India
◦ Utilized by warriors, wrestlers, and dancers
2. The British Influence
◦ Introduced to Europe in the 18th century
◦ Gained popularity as a fitness tool among British military personnel
3. Evolution in India
◦ Integration into traditional Indian exercise systems like the “Mallakhamb”
◦ Continued practice and preservation of club swinging techniques

Benefits of Indian Club Training
1. Enhanced Physical Fitness
◦ Promotes strength, flexibility, and coordination
◦ Improves joint mobility and range of motion
2. Core Stability and Balance
◦ Engages the core muscles for stability and balance
◦ Develops proprioception and body awareness
3. Posture Correction and Shoulder Health
◦ Counteracts the effects of sedentary lifestyles and poor posture
◦ Strengthens the shoulder girdle and improves shoulder mobility
4. Mental Focus and Concentration
◦ Requires concentration and mindfulness
◦ Provides a meditative experience through rhythmic movements
If you want to purchase a set, I recommend buying Indian clubs on Etsy.

Techniques and Training Methods
1. Basic Grip and Stance
◦ Correct grip for optimal control and safety
◦ Appropriate stance for balance and stability
2. Fundamental Swinging Patterns
◦ Two-handed swings for beginners
◦ Progression to single-handed and asymmetrical swings
3. Advanced Techniques and Variations
◦ Circular swings, figure eights, and pendulum swings
◦ Behind-the-back and over-the-shoulder maneuvers
4. Integrating Indian Clubs with Other Exercises
◦ Incorporating clubs into bodyweight exercises
◦ Pairing clubs with yoga or Pilates routines

FAQs about Indian Clubs
1. Are Indian clubs suitable for beginners?
◦ Absolutely! Indian clubs offer a scalable and adaptable fitness option for individuals of all fitness levels. Starting with lighter clubs and practicing basic techniques allows beginners to gradually build strength and coordination.
2. Can Indian club training help with rehabilitation?
◦ Yes, Indian club exercises can be beneficial for rehabilitation purposes. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified trainer to determine the suitability and appropriateness of specific exercises based on individual needs.
3. Do Indian clubs help in improving sports performance?
◦ Indian clubs can indeed enhance sports performance. The swinging patterns and movements engage multiple muscle groups, improve coordination, and increase shoulder stability, all of which can translate to better performance in various athletic endeavors.

The Indian clubs, steeped in rich history and cultural significance, continue to captivate fitness enthusiasts across the globe. Their elegant and flowing movements offer a unique blend of

Decide Whether You Should Become a Functional Fitness Trainer

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

Tips to Help You Decide Whether You Should Become a Functional Fitness Trainer

The fitness industry shows exciting growth prospects and this is perhaps the best time to train as a functional fitness trainer. Hundreds of people are earning handsomely and enjoying their work too by starting their own fitness training studio. You too can become one of them by completing personal trainer courses from a reputable institute.

However don’t enroll for the course just because everybody is doing so. You need to introspect and be absolutely sure that you have the right aptitude in order to succeed in this filed. A few tips can help you understand better if you are really made for the job.

Are you are a Fitness Buff?
You love staying fit and healthy. You have always been athletic and love participating in different fitness and sports events. You even follow a regular fitness regime yourself and love staying active. If all of these apply to you then you should definitely consider enrolling for functional fitness courses.

Do you love Interacting with People?
Interacting does not just mean being an extrovert. What you require is a caring touch, a desire to listen to people and provide meaningful suggestions. Clients don’t just attend your sessions to exercise. Many of them relate their fitness problems with difficulties in their personal life and consider you as a friend with who they can share ups and downs in their daily life.

Personal training CEC accreditation courses teach you all about how to motivate clients so that they can gradually look forward to a happier life.

Are you are Methodical and Orderly? 
Running a fitness studio is not as easy as it looks. It requires managing a thousand things all at the same time on a daily basis. You will need to keep tab of different session timings, maintain files on each and every client, take care of taxes and insurance, advertise for newer clients, update your website and so on. You can hire people but the ultimate responsibility is yours. So you really need to be neat and organized to successfully run a fitness studio.

Are you Ready to Sacrifice ‘Me Time’ ?
As a busy functional fitness trainer you will hardly have any time for yourself. For one, you will be training clients throughout the day. Secondly, even on rest days, you will have to do your own workout in order to polish your skills and maintain your stamina. There will be very little time for relaxation. Functional fitness training can be a lot of work, so be sure that you give it 100%!

Are you Ready to Forego your Social Life?
Another thing to consider is that you will have very little time to socialize outside your own tribe. All socializing will be with peers or clients you train regularly. You might get tired of doing the same round of people each time and yearn to meet somebody different. You will really have to juggle your professional time and personal time if you want a social life.

Are you a great Functional Trainer?
Do you know how to train with kettlebells, the steel mace, steel clubs, the Bulgarian Bag? If not, now’s the time to begin practicing! Buy yourself a 2 kilo power steel club and start learning the basics before moving on to heavier weights.

Are you Willing to Accept Fluctuating Income
You will never have a fixed number of clients throughout the year. There will be months when you will have very few clients and on other times (like the holiday season) when your business will bloom.

Reasons Why You Should Hire a Personal Trainer

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

Most of the time, you will find that majority of individuals have greatly neglected their own health due to the fact that they are busy and are largely consumed with their work. These kinds of people should think or rather start to embrace the idea of having personal training in their schedule.

There has been a study carried out which states that by an individual having an exercise in his or her lifestyle, it can already be able to do so much as it regards to the health of such an individual. This explains why you ought to have your own fitness schedule as it will have to play a very big change and at the same time bring a very big change for your body and you as a whole.

If you happen to be feeling that some fitness training will be of any importance to you, then you should start thinking of how you can get the best personal training. By having your personal training being instructed by a fitness trainer, you will be rest assured that you will be assisted so as to achieve your highly desired figure.

You will be able to find out that majority of the fitness enthusiasts, have stated that for you as an individual having a personal coach will be of great help for you to achieve what you have set out for your own body.

However, if it happens that you are still reluctant or rather not convinced as regards the need of you having a personal trainer be it from Malta or Spain, then first of all you have to realize and understand the great benefits which you have to accrue from hiring a personal trainer. Worldwide recognised fitness training courses can vary greatly, so always read the pt certifications review before you hire anyone!

From there, you mind change your mind and then decide to choose or even hire a personal trainer who will be able to cater for your fitness adequately. Have a look at all the testimonials online and see how personal training changed people’s life and got them to feel so much better, strong and healthy.

First of all, you will get to benefit greatly since by training just in the convenience of your own schedule, your own home, will be able to give you a lot of benefits due to the fact that you will have to get a one on one fitness program being administered by your personal trainer.

You will also find out that you will have an easier time when planning out your personal fitness program plus your diet. This is simply due to the fact your trainer is able to provide all these for you.

You have to always remember that most of the personal fitness trainers will always have a professional relationship with various individuals who are in the health sector such nutritionists, doctors, dieticians and so many others. They have to do it this way so as they can be trusted by their clients when giving out their health tips. If you want to enrol in a personal training certification for yourself you’ll see the many benefits of health and fitness on your wellbeing.

You should not end your fitness program just because you have achieved the figure which you desired to have from the start. Your fitness trainer will be able to keep you in shape  just by offering you various tips that will play a big part by helping you keep and at the same time maintain your body.

Without the help of your professional trainer, you may find out later on that you have just acquired your body which you had before undergoing the fitness program. If it happens this way, it will be a big blow to you as a person and also a waste of time and money that were used in training. So to avoid all these, just ensure that you do what is required and follow the tips and instructions given to you by your personal fitness trainer.

With this n mind, if it happens that you are an individual who has a busy schedule and have got little or even no time to go out in a gym, then you will have to get a personal trainer who will be able to take care of fitness program. You will be assured to realize the best body results from your fitness program. After that,  you will be able to share with your family and friends the experience you had with that particular Maltese fitness trainer.

Lose Weight And Build Self Esteem By Losing Body Fat

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

Exercise and healthy eating are two of the best ways to stay fit. However, most people perceive exercising as a boring routine. It is why people generally join gyms only to stop exercising regularly a while later. This is where the onus is on the trainer to try and ensure that they motivate the clients enough for them to work out regularly in order to achieve long term benefits. Here are some ways a personal trainer with the right online weight loss programs can help motivate the clients.

Tell Them How Much They’ve Achieved

It is important to make the client feel that their constant exercising has made them lose some weight or tone their body in some way. That doesn’t mean you have to lie to them. If they haven’t actually experienced any results, find a way to tell them how far they have come and how few more steps will help them achieve their rapid weight loss targets.

Lose Weight at Boot Camp

Talk about How well They Exercise

Exercising is hard and when you have to exercise to lose weight it is all the harder to be patient until you reach your goal. As they say, it is easy to put on weight but difficult to get it off again!

When clients who are trying to lose weight come to you, it is important to boost their morale. Keep in mind that their motivation is already affected because they have been trying to lose weight and can’t seem to. It is important to keep telling them that they are performing the exercises correctly and that they can get better at it.

Talk about other Success Stories

You can motivate clients by constantly talking about other people’s success stories. Cite examples of how your other clients lost an ‘x’ amount of pounds in a period of a few months or weeks with kettlebel training. Let them feel like as though achieving their dream weight is not impossible.

When you cite examples, it is easier for the clients to feel motivated and positive and to even stick to their goals. Talk about how you have trained several people after getting your Melbourne kettlebell courses and how you have seen different types of success stories.

Give Them Options

Exercise is one way to get fit and toned. However, there are other options too that when pursued at the same time can help them achieve their fitness goals. Talk about eating right, about detoxifying or going on a fruit diet for a couple of weeks. These healthy options mixed with the right kind of exercise routine will make them feel better and more positive and motivated from within.

Find out more about exercise options on Fitness Australia CEC certifications

Group Exercising

Try and mix up the groups as much as you can. Allow clients who are struggling to achieve certain fitness goals to work out with those who have managed to lose weight and achieve their desired weight over a period of time. It will help them to get more positive and motivated. Group workouts are a great way to also make exercising fun and if every workout is fun, your clients will look forward to working out with you.

Becoming a Personal Trainer

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

A personal trainer is a qualified professional. That’s precisely why you would want to hire him. A Personal Trainer who has done their certification would be the ideal person to suggest and subsequently guide you through you workouts. Without adequate assistance, you night actually end up injuring yourself as you strive to lose weight and enhance your fitness levels. Your personal trainer Madrid would provide useful tips, which could go a ling way in ensuring a hassle free and effective fitness program. Watch videos from the PT Supremacy Personal Training Course!

fitness training

The first thing most Madrid certified personal trainers would suggest is a fitness test. This test will actually act as a reference point for your trainer and he would be able to suggest exercises for you accordingly. Without such a test, your instructor might end up suggesting workouts which could prove too strenuous for you, causing injury. Once he is aware of your current status, he will increase the frequency and intensity of the exercises gradually so that your body gets used to it as you progress.

To ensure an injury free workout session your personal trainer would make a warm-up session mandatory, prior to actual workouts like the running fitness bootcamps. A pre-workout warm-up is essential to bring the body in motion and improve the blood circulation gradually, preparing the body for more intense activity. He would also advice to have a meal a couple of hours prior to exercising. This will help to maintain the energy levels of the body, during workouts. Working out on an empty stomach should be avoided at all times.

Similarly, your instructor will also tell you to maintain your fluid intake as you exercise. The best way is to drink water just before you start. Dehydration can actually lead to muscle cramps resulting in injury and pain. If you have hired a certified personal trainers in Madrid who works closely with doctors, he should be able to alert you that you should stop immediately should you feel the slightest uneasiness while working out. Symptoms like minor pains and sprains might aggravate big time if you ignore them and continue exercising.

Along with exercises, you body also needs time to rest and recuperate. You need enough sleep and frequent rests so that the muscles can relax and reenergize. This will prevent wear and tear of muscles. Your trainer will also suggest proper shoes and attire, to prevent undue injuries. Adequate guidance from your professional instructor will help keep injuries at bay.

Increasing the Kettlebell Weight

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Tips for Increasing the Kettlebell Weight

load of kettlebell

In each kettlebell functional training session; with just one single instrument, your clients can get all the benefits of a full-body workout that combines cardio, strength training and flexibility moves. Kettlebell training is also excellent for burning fat and toning the body uniformly from head to toe.

However, the kettlebell is also a complex instrument with an off-balance weight that is difficult to control. It is important to learn during your functional training certifications courses on how to progress to heavier weights in a planned manner so that your clients can train safely and effectively.

In order to increase kettlebell weights safely, functional fitness courses emphasize that you should keep in mind two things; being consistent and progression in a planned manner.

Being Consistent

As a trainer, the onus lies on you to ensure that all your clients are consistent and turn up for each and every session. By being inconsistent, clients will never be able to reach the level of strength, stamina and flexibility required to increase kettlebell weights gradually.

Regular attendance also ensures that clients learn to perfect their form and technique so that they can handle heavier weights comfortably and safely.

Progression in a Planned Manner

Functional training certifications teach you how to progress to heavier weights in a planned manner so that they get enough time to adapt to the challenges of maneuvering heavier kettlebells.

There are several ways you can plan your clients’ progression in a planned manner so that you can easily handle heavier weights as they move on.

Firstly, you can gradually increase the repetition and duration of a particular exercise.

This is the simplest and easiest way to acclimatize your clients to heavier weights. With each session, just keep increasing the number of reps for a particular workout. For example, if a client is doing 10 reps of kettlebell swing on the first day, make him do 12 reps on the second day, 14 reps on the third day and so on.

Alternately, you can also increase the duration. So a client is doing swings for 20 seconds the first day, make her do it for 35 seconds the next day, followed by 45 seconds and so on.

You can also combine the two approaches for clients who are fit enough and can handle such quick progression without getting fatigued.

Secondly, you may reduce the duration of rest between workouts. Rest periods between workouts are vital for the body to recover before starting a new workout. Without proper rest, muscle degeneration may set in.

However, once your client has enough stamina and is comfortable with a particular weight; you may gradually reduce the rest period and increase the kettlebell weight so that clients don’t reach a fitness plateau.

Thirdly, you can introduce more challenging versions of workouts your clients are used to doing. This can be considered as the final step and should be applied only on clients who have become experts in kettlebell form and technique.

There are several kettlebell workouts that are quite complex and require you to lift quite heave weights. Clients who having been working with kettlebells for several months; can use heavier weights so as to derive maximum benefit from their workouts.

How Long Does HCG Injections Last?

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

HCG Injections results typically last for 2-4 months. The improvement in the state of the body generally lasts for about 3 to 6 months, and you need repeated injections for maintaining the effect. With prolonged use, the effects may last longer. Research reveals that a small number of patients may end up developing neutralising antibodies to this injection post repeated therapy. HCG would no longer be effective in those patients.

Choose Your Doctor Carefully

HCG Injections should always be administered under strict medical care. It is extremely dangerous if administered incorrectly. You need to choose your doctor very carefully. Look for a referral from the doctors you know. Look for a qualified specialist, who has reasonable experience in administering HCG. Only a fully certified and skilled doctor can give you proper advice on the procedure and he can evaluate and determine if HCG Injections suits your health and requirements.

Alta white the Best Teeth Whitener

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

After many years of looking in the mirror and seeing a less than perfect smile, I found a method that gave me back my self confidence and bright smile. I only wish that I had known how simple it was a long time ago.

When I graduated college and started working in the real world, I soon realized how little time that I had to take care of myself. I began to notice many things that just were not the same as when I was younger. The most apparent of them all was my smile. All the coffee and fast food after several years in the real world really took its toll on my teeth. They had become yellow and ugly. I tried almost everything that I could think of to get them white again. I tried new toothpaste, drinking less coffee, and even peroxide. These did not work. Someone suggested that I get them professionally whitened, but when I looked into the cost I thought they were crazy! A dentist charges several hundred dollars for a whitening treatment.Reason why I decided to go for alta white.

I made the decision that I was going to find an alternative. I am so glad I did because it has made a big difference.

Pretty much everyone I know wants to have nice white teeth. This is natural to want nice teeth but it can also be a tricky problem to solve.

People do not want to pay too much for whiter teeth. They also want to know that the treatment they are using is not harming them in any way or hurting their teeth.

I totally relate to this. This issue can drive anyone crazy and not finding a good solution is even more frustrating.


Your teeth become stained when food or drink particles get logged in your enamel. Your teeth are porous, which means they have tiny holes all over them. These holes trap the food particles and make it very difficult to remove.

Many people think that simply brushing their teeth is enough. This will not remove the stains, and if you brush too hard trying to remove them, you may damage your teeth.

There has to be a way that you can get whiter teeth without paying a fortune, and without causing damage.

Here are 3 Things You NEED Know in order to find the best teeth whitener:

#1. Most of the teeth whiteners you find at the grocery store are just shrewd marketing schemes to get you to buy more product. Most of them do not make any serious impact at all.

#2. Watch out for “Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies.” Often times these can do more harm than good. For example, one natural remedy is to brush with lemon juice. While this may whiten your teeth, the acid in the juice will also strip your teeth of calcium. This is not such a good idea.

#3. Don’t expect results overnight. It takes time to get your teeth back to their natural color. Trying to rush the process may cause harm to your teeth.

How to Lose Weight at Boot Camp without Dieting?

Oscar Mccoy No Comments

Have you been trying to take the ‘crash diet route’ to your ‘weight loss destination’? Then, it’s high time you realised that there are healthier, more actionable ways of losing weight and staying slim than your grapefruit or cabbage soup diet.

If you want your weight reduction efforts to bear fruit without jeopardising your health, just make the following tweaks to your eating habits and exercise routine in Bondi.

Follow a balanced exercise regime with emphasis on HIIT

Keep your workout balanced by including cardio as well as strength training at Boot Camp Bondi Beach. Aerobic exercises like cycling and walking are very effective in burning up belly fat. Anaerobic exercises like lifting weights make your muscles well-toned and promote healthy loss of body weight.

High intensity interval training is the perfect choice not only for knocking off those extra pounds but also for keeping them at bay. In this method of training, you alternate intense anaerobic exercises like push-ups with less intense rest periods making it possible for you to burn calories at an increased rate both during and after workout.

Lose Weight at Boot Camp

Choose to eat green, light and varied

Prefer lighter alternatives like low-fat yogurt or skimmed milk all the time and look to load your plate with vegetables and fruits as often as possible.

Also, make sure that you always eat the right mix of foods. For example, start your lunch with a whole grain salad; follow it up with an avocado and finish it with a coconut chia seed pancake. The idea here is to go for a combination that balances your intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Watch your intake of liquids

Whether it’s the quantity of water you drink or the amount of wine you use in your cooking, the liquids that you consume play a huge role in furthering or hampering your progress in weight-shed.

While taking a glass of water half-an-hour before food reduces your hunger pangs and prevents overeating, keeping yourself hydrated through the day promotes digestion and speeds up metabolism.

In contrast, frequent consumption of alcohol, directly as a cocktail drink or indirectly as a food additive, contributes to your empty calories and deters your thinning efforts.

Have a nutritious breakfast

If you’re looking to thin down, breakfast is your most important meal of the day. This is so because eating a high-protein diet first thing in the morning makes you feel satiated and prevents you from splurging during the day. Hence, make it a point to include beans, nuts, legumes, eggs, etc. in your breakfast and quicken your journey to weight loss.  

Final thoughts

Since diets that promise instant results cut your daily calorie intake down to unrealistically low levels, nursing a false hope of sticking to them will not get you anywhere near your slimming goals. Remember that the ideal prescription for weight loss is healthy eating, regular exercise in Bondi and adequate sleep. So, be sensible; steer clear of fads and don’t let your hunger get the better of you!